I took him to the vet right away and the x-rays showed no breaks or fractures. He gave Quinn an anti-inflammatory drug to take for a couple weeks, but it hasn't helped him.
So now, seven weeks later, I find out he has a cruciate ligament rupture. Yeah, that's a knee joint rupture. It was explained to me it's like a hinge that no longer works, loose and sprung. If it was going to heal on its own,it would show signs of correction by now.
Our only other option is surgery. Quinn is like one of my kids, but with a quote of $1,500-$3,000 to do the surgery, I think I am going to have to help him learn how to compensate by using three legs. It was explained the downside to that is, the other rear leg will be taking on all the weight, unevenly distributed, and eventually that knee will also give out.
He is ten and was already showing signs of arthritis before this happened. He still is a spunky, playful character and forgets he can't do some of the things he used to do. Jumping up onto the couch isn't an option anymore, so I have to remember to take the cushions off before I leave the house and make him a step ramp to get up there. Before I let him out in the yard, I make sure no rabbits or squirrels are there because he wants to chase them. When he starts to run, he immediately comes to a halt and I just know his little brain is thinking "Sh*t, I forgot about the leg".
I took this today, when I picked him up from the groomer:
awww, Quinn is a sweetie! And that sucks about his knee..but that is alot of money for surgery for a dog. Will he be in pain if you don't do it? Or can he take meds and be okay?
Poor baby!
Beth: Sucks, I know. He doesn't seem to have any pain as long as he doesn't use it. Someone just emailed me and said check to see if he can take over the counter arthritis meds. Just for any discomfort. Sounds good to me, I am going to ask the vet.
There's this thing they make for dogs, for arthritis, but heck if I know what it is. My dad uses it, though. He's got a Shepherd/Corgi mix, and the poor dog is like arthritised out.
My brother had a lab - a breed known for arthritis. She took baby aspirin everyday as recommended by her vet. A few years ago we opted not to take our 14 year old cat to the vet school for a specialized operation for his heart murmur. I know it's tough.
awww is he a Bichon? love those dogs! Brooksie, the Yorkie I had growing up, had the same problem. My parents went ahead with the surgery. 6 months later, we had the other back leg done. But after that she was fine...
Jessie: I though of that, meds for people, lol
Joan: My ex gave our dog an aspirin daily too, but that dog was 40 lbs. Quinn is 9-10 lbs ... I worry about his liver ... but good point. I should ask about that too.
Biddy: Yep he's a Bichon ... lovable buggers aren't they?
Have you tried Dr. Wilson's office in Romeo? They offer GREAT care and really affordable prices. Maybe they will be able to help and it won't break the bank.
You could try calling the Vet School at Univeristy of Michigan or Michigan State- they might offer some type of treatment at a reduced cost.
Poor little guy, that must be so hard to see. That's an awful lot of money though...
Michael: That's where I took Quinn, to Wilson's
Anon: Yeah, I thought of trying that too, thanks
Robin: Sure is hard, it's like having a sick kid. And yes, I just can't handle that kind of vet bill right now.
*laugh* Give me until tomorrow and I can ask Daddy. I don't call him at home because Stepmonster. You can see why now. I keep meaning to write it down. Actually, I did but Kroger didn't have it and have since lost the paper. *grins* This is what happens when you clean your purse out.
Awwwww Poor Quinn. I didn't realize he was still having problems. Poor thing. I would definately try the baby aspirin. Its not gonna hurt him. You can get a big bottle of it at Costco for like 3 bucks.I take it daily also.
sgk: I think I am going to do the aspirin a day thing. Bill just told me he had Baron on that daily his last few years and look how long he lasted, =)
Not to take away from the seriousness of this, but I keep cracking up over the "Little Tripod" part. :)
I have two cats and one of them is on a special diet because of a disease that happens to male cats that get fixed.
F#$k you Bob Barker!
Michael: Well he is, lol
Corky: Yuck, and we feel so bad when they get sick =(
Bob Barker and Doris Day!
My dad said this was what he gives the doggie. Daddy said that it's supposed to taste gross, so he mixes it with peanut butter. I have noticed Hoover (the dog) moves around better.
Jessie: Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
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