
Monday, July 30, 2007

Tested ? Part 2

::: I can only laugh at this point :::

I just listened to my voice mail message from last Friday. It wouldn't matter if I listened to it then because it said:

"Hi Nancy, this is Sue, the nurse for Dr. Va-jay-jay. We are closed now, but please return this call to our office on Monday. It isn't an emergency."

Remember I just went in for my annual and preached to all who read it to get your check-ups?

So I just called, I got the voice mail for the nurses. They return calls after hours. Now, what do you suppose they want? I only had one test done, ONE, you know the one where they are looking for cancer.

To be continued ... after they call me back.

*** Update***

Well crapola. I talked to the nurse.

I know from the past, they usually send an "all clear" letter in the mail. She said not to worry, there was something "just a little bit off" but nothing serious.

??? right ???... I never heard that result before. I get to go back in for another test.

"just a little bit off"

like coloring outside the lines
"a little bit off"
walking a tighrope 50 feet in the air "just a little bit off"

big difference, lol


Michael said...

If it was something important, there would have been a sense of urgency to return the call. I'm sure it's nothing big. Hang in there :)

Jami said...

I had some tests done (NOT involving anything "reproductive" or "eliminative") and the doctor's office pulled the same shit with me: "Hey, it's us. Call back, 'K? Bye." Turns out they just wanted to let me know that they'd gotten the test results back and that everything was all hunky-dory. But couldn't they have just told me that in the message they left? Anyway, I'm sure that's all it is and everything is okey-dokey.

Nancy said...

Michael: my luck is never that good, lol

Jami: Yeah, Why do they call, leave a half baked message ... like we aren't going to worry? ... and then not be available when we call back. My message was left last Fri. I am glad I didn't listen to it then, I'd have freaked all weekend.

Well crapola. I talked to the nurse.

I know from the past, they usually send an "all clear" letter in the mail. She said not to worry, there was something "just a little bit off" but nothing serious.

??? right ???... I never heard that result before. I get to go back in for another test.

"just a little bit off"

like coloring outside the lines
"a little bit off"
walking a tighrope 50 feet in the air "just a little bit off"

big difference, lol

Terri said...

this has happened to me; they stress you all out and it was probably just a technician that ruined the little sample or something. I'd say try not to worry, but that's really gonna help! (and definitely not something I could do myself).

Michael said...

Didn't you post about The Secret a while back. Just think everything is good and it will be.

And while you're at it, can you "think" a million bucks into my savings account. Ha ha.

Fightin' Mad Mary said...

ohhh I hate those kind of calls! Hang in there I'm sure it's nothing.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

That message is NUTS; I'm going to ask my nurse-friends what they think of that! Hope everything's a-ok, dearie; maybe someone spilled their cafe mocha vodka valium latte on your slide.

Anonymous said...

They can't leave a detailed message because it is against the 'HIPPA' law's, and in case they accidently get the wrong #.
Glad you were finally able to talk to the nurse.
Am sure all is ok, especially if it's always been ok.

Nancy said...

Mary and lis: Thank you, I am hoping is nothing but what ...
GnG said, "maybe someone spilled their cafe mocha vodka valium latte on your slide."

lol, thanks for the laugh Lori!

Joan said...

I actually had that happen. I won't go into details but it wasn't because of the big C. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I have had a result like that and it turned out fine. I just love how they like to make you nervous. My dr's do that all of the time.

I am currently waiting for a skin cancer biopsy result. *bites nails*

Angel said...

I'm praying too....I've never had a call like that..of course it's been about 7 years since I went to Dr. Va-Jay-Jay.........I know! I know!!! I'll go already....quit yelling at me! ;)

Biddy said...

same damn thing happened to me! "no need to be worried just yet, but we need you to come in for another test to make sure you don't have cancer" were her exact words. WTF? Yeah, your words are so encouraging lady....

Anywho, another pap and $170 later, it was nothing. just a little inflamation....


Anonymous said...

I've had two of those calls and went back for a recheck and it was nothing. So think positive!!!

Mary Alice said...

I had that call once too. "Can you come back in so we can check you again, something isn't quite right"......I had three children four and under, a husband who was gone all the time and I spent a weekend sick to my stomach worried that I would become one of those sad stories you read about in Women's Day of the mom who died too young and left a passel of kids behind.

They gave me no indication as to whether or not this was a frequent occurrence that women get called back in, or what exactly didn't look "quite right." Just left me to swing in the breeze imagining my own death after chemo and you know what? It was nothing...after it was all over and done and they had come after me with that friggin duck bill and snapped their gloves and said "this may be a little cold" and "this could be unconvertible" and could you scoot your bottom a little further down the table M'am" was nothing and they just shrugged their shoulders and said "huh...dunno.. it looks fine."
What Looks Fine??? What was it before, bad lighting? Too small a swab? What? And after I had planned which dress I would wear for the viewing and everything. So, I understand and whatever it is that they are looking for, seems to me, to need to be checked twice more often then they all let on. Keep your chin up and wait for the “Huh…dunno”

Nancy said...

mary alice: ROFLMAO! you "get it"