Remember my new car? My Pontiac G6 that has about 480 miles on it? The one that is supposed to look like this?
Actually I wasn't upset at all. I felt bad for her. I looked and saw her head drop into her hands and I wasn't sure if she was hurt or crying. I jumped out of my car and ran to her. When she got out she was crying and so upset. I hugged her, asked her if she was OK and reassured her that as long as no one was hurt, we didn't need to be upset. I reminded her these hunks of metal can be repaired or replaced and the most important thing was we weren't hurt. I asked her how old she was and then told her I had a daughter the same age and it could easily be my kid in this situation.
It happened in front of my bank and just then a teller came running out. It was her daughter that hit me. I explained I needed to make a police report, without intent to get her in trouble, but so I wouldn't have to pay a deductible or have my rates increased. They understood, and I told her since it was on private property, she wouldn't get a ticket. (I'm sure her rates will go up though) Police came, she admitted fault, and no ticket for her.
So, I made a claim, got an estimate, $2,247.56, and I am just thankful nobody was hurt .... oh, and that it wasn't my daughter who hit someone!
Rough week??
You were so kind to that young woman! Too many people would have been angry and yelled. I'm sure your attitude made it much easier for her.
I hope the rest of your week gets better!
Patience: Thank you, I too hope for a better week. I know accidents happen, without intent ... I hate to see/hear about people getting so upset over material things such as a car. You can't replace human life, the most important thing is when accidents happen, no one get hurt =)
Oh no, it just keeps getting better and better for you!
Thank goodness no one was hurt, and I am REALLY impressed by how gently you handled things. I think I would probably have flipped, but I'm going to try to take your example to heart next time something happens. Of course, in Israel she would have probably come out of the car yelling at ME rather than crying... There's a real "attack first so you don't lose ground" attitude here :(.
How nice that you were so kind to her. Sorry that your car was hit though.
Oh man. Maybe you should stay at home in bed this week.
You are one cool cucumber. I wish I had your patience and calm!!
WOW! When it pours! I hope this week gets better for you!
You are due some good times!
your motto should be "no worries"
I know a good collision shop you can take your car to :)
Thanks everyone ... things can always be worse ... I just figured it would make for good blog fodder, lol
Michael: Thanks, I'll need one, ;)
that was so nice of you (handling of the accident).
Your due some very good luck soon. Perhaps you should play the lottery this week. Somebody owes you big time Nancy!
It's wonderful hearing how well you handled yourself. I say this since I am forced to be around someone who loves to tell people off every chance she gets.
Joan: Sorry to hear that ... I used to date someone like that, I was embarrassed by his rudeness to others too many times, and he always looked like a big fool.
Insecurity is all I saw.
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