
Friday, January 16, 2009

Indeed, Pilot C.B. Sullenberger is a Hero

I can't even imagine the fear these people were going through.

Vallie Collins sent a text message to her husband, "My plane is crashing."

Pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger III is truly a hero. In split seconds he made a decision how and where to bring that plane down. His choice saved every life on that airplane.

Once again, the NYFD, Coast Guard, the emergency and medical profession handled the situation with the best possible end results.

I can't even imagine.

*Photo Credit Reuters


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine, either. Thank God those people lived to tell the tale.

Joan said...

There is a blog I'm mostly a lurker. She said her husband was on the plane. I can't imagine. Nice to hear of a situation that ended up ok.

Jan said...

My first thought was Thank God, the pilot was able to land in the water, and not crash on land.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing and there is much to be said for Capt. C.B. Sullenberger's heroism, his exprience and quick thinking served him and every person on that plane well...
Nope could not imagine either...

Anonymous said...

He truly is. I was amazed that everyone survived...

Audubon Ron said...

I'm supriosed the dang thing even floated.

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Pretty awesome stuff.


dkuroiwa said...

Watching/reading/listening about this just brought shivers down my spine. How lucky those passengers were to have such a pilot!!
He is getting some major TV news air-time over here, I think that he has been on the news more than the Prime Minister...and that's a lot!!!

May we all have good pilots flying our planes!

Anonymous said...

Every time I read about this, I get the chills.

And I'm here to thank you. I LOVE your comments on my blog!! You have this philosophical quirkiness, always well-meaning.

Thank you!

B.S. said...

The life story of this pilot proves why it's so important to love what you do and to be truly, wholly involved in it. He loved flying, and he was ultra qualified for the task of saving lives in a catastrophe.
