Today is my baby sisters 49th birthday.
Then I burst out laughing. So did she.
Although today is her FORTY-NINTH birthday, I'm going to share a bit of her 40th.
Margie had been recently divorced and was just beginning to dip her toe in the dating pool. Since she and I weren't looking for any serious relationships, we began to hang out together, gathering with a fun group of like minded single men and women that would plan and meet on weekends at different venues for dancing, pool, music and socializing.
When someone in our group was having a birthday, we'd consider it a great reason to party! I decided to plan a party for Margie's 40th and sent out e-mails. Margie and I arrived at the venue and shortly after, a couple guys showed up. Then a couple more guys walked in. A few more ... and by guys , I really mean guys, men ... no women. Within the first hour there were 11 men, Margie and I. The men had questionable half smiles on their face as Margie asked if I had only invited men. I was laughing my azz off because of course I did invite women too.
As the numbers continued to grow, and the guys began to get a little nervous, the drinks were flowing. Margie's birthday drink of choice was *Purple Rain, oh boy!
About an hour and a half into this party women finally began to show up. Margie was having a blast. She was showered with Purple Rain all night long. Margie was the life of the party ... she WAS the party, and it continued on until closing. I think that was a cross-over for her, single mama had arrived! After a night of table top dancing and celebrating life, I took her home. I tucked her in her bed, still in her clothes, and knew she'd freak when she woke-up in the morning!
At her 40th *2002*
So this year, Sandi and I asked her what she wanted to do for her special day. What ever she wanted to do, we're in. Drinking? Dancing? Partying? Casino? Wicked wildness?
Bowling ... she wants to go bowling. So that's what we're doing!
Maybe a little rain afterward???

1.5 oz Premium vodka
1.5 oz Premium rum
2 oz Premium 1800 Tequila
1.5 oz Premium gin
1.5 oz Cointreau orange liqueur
1.5 oz Triple sec
1.5 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
2 oz Sweet and sour mix
1.5 oz Premium rum
2 oz Premium 1800 Tequila
1.5 oz Premium gin
1.5 oz Cointreau orange liqueur
1.5 oz Triple sec
1.5 oz Chambord raspberry liqueur
2 oz Sweet and sour mix
Shake and serve over ice.