About 75% of the fortune 500 companies use this test as part of their evaluation and screening of potential employees. Basically, there is a series of questions and your answers fit within 16 different personality types that are categorized into four temperaments.

The results were an ENTJ.
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
I took the test again, two years ago, on line, and again ENTJ. I think if you take the test honestly, you'll always come up the same. Unless of course, you are Sybil.
ENTJ's are leaders, hard working, analytical, thinkers that hold their own in a debate, curious, efficient and strategic.
Somewhere in the stats I read there are more male ENTJ personalities than female. Whatever.
John Lennon, Bill Gates and David Letterman are ENTJ's, but so are Whoopie Goldberg and Jim Carrey.
There is a fee to take the actual test, but this site has a free test that is very similar, if you want to see where you fit in.
If you're an ENTJ, check this out, it is the actual Meyer-Briggs breakdown for careers, relationships, and personal growth. As I read through these pages, I had to admit they are very accurate. I seem to fit the mold but there are a few ways I wish I didn't.
Side thought: The last LTR I was in, for 3 years, was a bumpy ride. And why? We started off "so much alike." During the last months we were together, he took the M-B test for a new job he was seeking. Sure enough, he is an ENTJ. We laughed about it, he got the job, and I think it makes sense to both of us now why we didn't work out.
I took the test about 10 years ago and came out an ENTJ as well. Recently I took it again and this time came out an INTJ.....maybe all the years of childrearing have made me long for quiet rejuvenating time alone?
Another ENTJ woman here. Cool test. Thanks for the link.
ok,as if i don't have enough to do today, now i'm clicking over to take this test. Argh!
I am ISTJ.
I think two ENTJs take up too much oxygen and clash heads? Just a guess.
I haven't taken that test since college. I have no idea what I am. BWTC? (broken woman too many children) ;)
allright, i took the test but i don't have time to read the description right now. btw, i'm a ENFP
Hmmm...I took this test twice with work...I'll have to see if I can dig up my results.
I am an ENTJ!
(Also - I hope you're feeling better and I love the new haircut.)
I'm an INFP which means I'm more of a chic than you are.
Studied all these tests in psych and I know I've taken them but I've blocked what I am...don't want to know...I used to care but these days I'm not much into labelling...either I click with someone or I don't and I usually know why. I'm happier being a BLT or an ASS or a SAHM!! LOL!!!
Right there with you Ron INFP, interesting have never taken that test before, others but not that one.. Tx
I did the test years ago and was the ISTJ. I am the cog in the wheel kind of person. I may have changed slightly, but not that much.
ISFJ thats me! The profile fit me to a tee. It was really surprising.
Thanks for the link.
I'm an INFP. Makes sense to me :-)
ENFP - again. The Advocate.
"ENFPs are introspective, values-oriented, inspiring, social and extremely expressive...ENFPs are described as creative, resourceful, assertive, spontaneous, life-loving, charismatic, passionate and experimental."
Me and Bob Dylan and Sandra Bullock and Robin Williams ... among others.
I'm an "INFJ - The "Confidant"
Go ahead...you can tell me anything...;)
I'm scared to find out!
I typically get INTJ or INFJ. I've taken it a couple times for psych classes. I think INFJ is more accurate of the two.
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