For a second, I thought that first picture was Aunt Irene.
I don't know what's funnier...a tall gla$$ of $hut the fuck up or Tiff thinking Virgie looks like Aunt Irene. She does!
P.S. Your pic of the day...I'm floored that you're just now getting budding flowers. Everything over here is in full's felt like summer since Easter!
Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahI can't stop laughing, at your post and at Tiff and Michaels comments.
My thoughts exactly! Anna HATED her mother...there is no way she should be allowed to get her hands on that poor baby.
I feel so sorry for that poor baby!
I love the view outside your office window!and all the $$$$$ in your post got that right!
I can't believe I never made the connection between those two evil characters. Thank$ for the compare and contra$t!
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For a second, I thought that first picture was Aunt Irene.
I don't know what's funnier...a tall gla$$ of $hut the fuck up or Tiff thinking Virgie looks like Aunt Irene. She does!
P.S. Your pic of the day...I'm floored that you're just now getting budding flowers. Everything over here is in full's felt like summer since Easter!
I can't stop laughing, at your post and at Tiff and Michaels comments.
My thoughts exactly! Anna HATED her mother...there is no way she should be allowed to get her hands on that poor baby.
I feel so sorry for that poor baby!
I love the view outside your office window!
and all the $$$$$ in your post got that right!
I can't believe I never made the connection between those two evil characters. Thank$ for the compare and contra$t!
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